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Annals of Oncology (Journal)

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Developer: Oxford University Press

About the app
The Annals of Oncology app from Oxford University Press enables you to read Annals of Oncology both online and offline on your iOS device (provided you have a relevant personal subscription, institutional subscription, or society membership).
You can:
• download issues when you’re online, so that you can read them whether you’re connected to the Internet or not
• view the tables of contents for issues when you’re online, whether you have downloaded them yet or not
• easily read issues from cover to cover by swiping through articles
• download and read advance articles (published ahead of print)
• download and read the PDF version of an article
• use the in-app search feature
• bookmark your favourite articles
• add your own notes to articles
• share articles by email or on social media

About the journal
Annals of Oncology provides rapid and efficient peer-review publications on innovative cancer treatments or translational work related to oncology and precision medicine.
Main focuses of interest include: systemic anticancer therapy (with specific interest in molecular targeted agents and new immune therapies), randomized trials (including negatives ones), top-level guidelines, and new fields currently emerging as key components of personalized medicine, such as molecular pathology, bioinformatics, modern statistics, and biotechnologies. Radiotherapy, surgery, and pediatrics manuscripts can be considered if they display a clear interaction with one of the fields above or are paradigm-shifting.
With a large international editorial board of experts who are leaders in their fields, Annals of Oncology aims at delivering the best communication on the fast-moving, and continually evolving, global oncology landscape.
The journal is published on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology by Oxford University Press.
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.